News from Ethics Agencies

Last updated April 18, 2024

California Attorney General

In April, the California Attorney General issued Opinion No. 23-102 ( regarding City Council participation in community events as it relates to the Ralph M. Brown Act. If a majority of the members of the City Council attend the Ventura Chamber of Commerce’s annual breakfast at which the mayor delivered a “State of the City” address, it would constitute a “meeting” of the City Council within the scope of the Brown Act under Government Code section 54952.2(a). Exceptions for conferences and community events would not apply if the event was not open to the public by means other than purchasing tickets from the Ventura Chamber of Commerce.

Fair Political Practices Commission News

The Fair Political Practices Commission issued a report in March, which highlights staff efforts to increase outreach. The report also highlights the FPPC’s newest division, the Audits and Assistance Division, which issued 16 audit reports in 2023.

Los Angeles City Ethics Commission News

The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission has announced the mandatory annual adjustments to limits and thresholds in the City’s campaign finance laws. The new amounts, which can be viewed at, apply to any City election cycle for which the primary election fundraising window has not yet opened. The new limits do not apply to the limits and thresholds for the 2024 primary and general City elections. They also do not apply to Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education officeholders or candidates.

Long Beach Ethics Commission

In February, the Long Beach Ethics Commission weighed in on recommendations on amendments to the City’s lobbying ordinance. The Commission voted to approve the recommendation, as amended, to accept the input as provided during the discussion, and to refer the matter back to the Ad Hoc Committee for further work.

San Diego Ethics Commission

The San Diego Ethics Commission has reviewed changes to the Levine Act, and in March, provided an opinion on its application to local candidates seeking or holding more than one office.